7th Grade Mad City Challenge

On Thursday, May 18th and Friday, May 19th, our Jefferson 7th graders will be doing the MAD CITY CHALLENGE!

The Mad City Challenge is similar to the television show The Amazing Race, wherein each group is required to locate and document a previously selected item on display at various locations in and around downtown Madison as well as the UW-Madison campus. As the individual groups follow their self-determined routes throughout downtown, they will visit a number of sites, locate the object(s) as instructed, document their discovery, and then move on to their next location. This is a wonderful and exciting event as the students will have the opportunity to experience downtown Madison and the UW campus in person and on foot for the better part of the day!

The Jefferson PTO is providing lunch to all participants upon their return to the school and we are asking families to help by donating dessert items like cookies, brownies, etc. Your help is greatly appreciated!  

***Drop off in the office that morning or send with your 7th grader to drop in the office.***

Click Here to Sign Up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C094CA9AA22ABFFC61-7thgrade